Empowering the Frontline Forward

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ISN®’s new mobile app, Empower™ is designed to help workers access their work-readiness information, manage compliance, and complete necessary training, all while on the go – without the need for a desktop computer. The Empower app puts control back in the hands of the worker and removes the frustration and confusion that often came with a lack of information.

ISN is the global leader in contractor management, connects 700+ Hiring Client customers with 75,000 contractor companies through its B2B web platform ISNetworld.

Since 2001, ISN has proactively reduced risk by qualifying and monitoring contractors to promote safe and sustainable operations throughout the supply chain. ISN identifies the most qualified contractor companies that meet and exceed industry, regulatory, and company-specific standards in health, safety, quality, insurance, training, cybersecurity and ESG.

of workers do not know know their compliance status until they are on-site
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What we set out to do

To create an all-in-one tool for the field worker

In recent years, Hiring Clients have shifted their supply chain compliance and risk managements goals towards not only ensuring company-level compliance standards are met by their third-party contractor companies, but also their individual workers meet certain qualification and compliance. 

However, approximately 50% of these workers would not know until reaching a work site if they were in compliant status or not. After arriving at a job site and scanning their badge, they would be notified if their certifications and training were up to date. And without full compliance for any given job, the field worker would not be allowed to begin their project.  

When the worker was notified of missing information, they would then have to contact the administrator assigned to their company for information on outstanding trainings or certifications needed to return to the job site and then find a desktop computer to complete the missing requirements. This manual process added unnecessary workload to the admins and caused frustration and delays in starting a job for workers.

To address the increased focus on worker qualification and help improve site compliance, ISN and Bottle Rocket developed Empower, an innovative, native iOS and Android mobile app designed specifically for contractor workers.


The ability to work via a mobile device, instead of desktop only, reduces downtime and encourages “work at your own pace” environment.
Empower mobile app icon
Construction worker on phone and computer at a construction site.

Design thinking and customer experience were at the very core of the app development strategy, with 290 customers providing input throughout the development process. This approach enabled the team to identify potential pain points and address them proactively, resulting in a seamless and intuitive user experience. By prioritizing the workers’ needs and preferences, they were able to create a product that resonated with both the workers and administrators alike, while delivering exceptional value.

Empower makes it easy for workers to access, understand, and proactively meet safety and compliance requirements from anywhere, giving them the confidence to know where they stand before entering Hiring Client jobsites. Empower allows workers to stay informed and minimize the downtime often associated with outstanding job site requirements. The ability to work via their mobile device, instead of desktop only, reduces downtime and encourages “work at your own pace” environment.

Empower reduces the need for contractor administrators to manually communicate, collect and track worker-level information by connecting with workers through the app.
ISN Empower app screens

The app provides workers with easy access to job site compliance requirements, training resources, and client jobsite policies in one central platform.

The app also benefits Contractor Companies by reducing manual tracking and administrative work and creating greater efficiencies for workers to access information directly from their mobile device.

In addition, the app minimizes last minute project delays and downtime due to gaps in the workforce for Hiring Companies and overall promotes a more connected workforce in conjunction with ISN’s world-class contractor management platform, ISNetworld. The app has also reduced an over-reliance on the part of the administrators who may handle up to 100 contractors and suppliers per company.

Empower application on phone in someones hands


Empower is transforming how workers access and comply with client requirements. It helps digitize cumbersome compliance management needs, reduce administrative work, and promote a more connected workforce. These benefits ultimately promote a more productive, safe, and sustainable work environment for all stakeholders.

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